i have this website
its made with dreamweaver CS3
if i open it with Internet Explorer...the page is messed up...nothing is aligned properly...but the video player does load (only first video should work)(check at http://designwebs.xhost.ro/VideoPages/bu... and plays the first video
in Firefox...everything is aligned properly but the movie (again%26gt; http://designwebs.xhost.ro/VideoPages/bu... will NOT load and play...
what .... the ..... HELL?
THank you,
Mozilla and IE ... Website problem?microsoft word 2003
More then likely a DW problem.
Learn php, mysql and use notepad ++. It's the standard for the internet my friend.
nucleocide.net for tutorials.
Mozilla and IE ... Website problem?internet explorer 6 internet explorer
Follow the advice above: get rid of DW: it is a WYSIWYG editor that cannot make a proper site (you can't control the code).
For IE and FF, you have to write TWO different kinds of code.
First, detect the browser (before displaying anything), then send the code.
You will have several points in your code like:
if (IE) do-this else if (FF) do-that else do-another- thing.
There is no escape.
Browsers have no formal standards, although they try to do similar things. Unfortunately, they do not do the same thing for the same command! (%26lt;div%26gt; parameters is a typical case).
Since, IE and FF make 91.5% of the users on the web (see w3Consortium for references), I would not even bother with the other browsers.
Finally, since IE IS the first ever browser and the most widely used, IE is, de facto, the standard, even if everyone hates it!
So check your site with IE6/7 AND FF. You can add Opera and Netscape, but it is not really necessary.
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