Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Is IE 7 better than Firefox 2.0?

I like the safety of Firefox and Opera, granted no browser is 100% secure, Internet Exploder is the least secure browser you can be using.

United States Computer Emergency Team:

"There are a number of significant vulnerabilities in technologies related to the IE domain/zone...It is possible to reduce exposure to these vulnerabilities by using a different web browser"


On top of this, IE7 still does not support web standards, and this drives up the cost of web developing, leaving us consumers ultimately paying the bill.

Compare the results of the web standards test:

The test results are suppose to look like this:

Firefox 2 results:

IE7 results:

Opera results (perfect):

You can try the test here to see that I'm not bu11 sh1ting you:

Is IE 7 better than Firefox 2.0?web browser

Use both and decide for your self. Firefox for me has never had compititor as they fix the bugs the fastest and work on any system old and new which is not the case with IE 7 .firefox and be got from the link below .I use to to stop spyware before if gets into my computer

Is IE 7 better than Firefox 2.0?windows installer internet explorer

In my experience, no. A lot of sites I visited would feeze up ALL the time, therefore limiting my web experience. I use Firefox now and it's all good. That's just my experience.
i'll still consider using ff 2.0... as its fully customiseable...
No way. You can't get IE7 for linux or MAC for that matter. IE uses proprietary tech from MS, whereas Firefox is an open source project. Firefox/Opera had innovated (Gates favorite phrase) tabbed browsing before IE, plus the many other plug-ins, extensions available for Firefox. Active X has always been a security hole in IE, pray that it's better now.

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